Counterfeit Products
Counterfeit Products
We have received market information on fans that at first glance appear to be identical with SEPA fans. However upon closer examination they have proved to be counterfeits of inferior quality that are not comparable with the original genuine products.
Genuine SEPA products can only be acquired directly from SEPA EUROPE, for the Asian market from the Japanese manufacturer Nippon Keiki Works LTD, or from one of our authorized dealers. Only then can you be certain that you are in possession of a genuine SEPA product. Unfortunately, it is not easy to distinguish the original product from the fake one at first glance and only detailed insider knowledge can ensure quick and safe identification of the actual differences. We will gladly inform you of the distinguishing features by a direct exchange of information but for understandable reasons decline to publish this information.
Our uppermost goal is to provide our customers with reliable products! We request you therefore not to acquire SEPA fans even in small quantities via obscure channels and webshops that are not listed on our homepage as authorized dealers, distributors or partners.
An example of the currently detected product counterfeit:
(5V with new label/12V with obsolete label)
Please inform us immediately if you are or were the victim of counterfeiting. All information will be treated confidentially and represents a major contribution to the fight against piracy.
Your contact
Robert Cap, e-mail: Telephone: +49 7634 59459 215